
05 April 2006

More thoughts on PBEM

I've been looking for a good source of Play By Email Games. The only list I've seen so far comes from Home of the Underdogs. However, since HotU hasn't paid thier domain name fees (anyone want to send the guy the $35 or whatever it is to fix this? I might have to) you can't get to thier usual web page of www.the-underdogs.org. You must use the IP address to get to thier web pages. Further, since they had all sorts of tricks to prevent other websites from leeching off thier servers, you can't see the images, nor download the files, since they carefully check where your referrers are coming from.

But they still do have a list of PBEM games. And it is here.


  • At 22 April, 2006 17:09, Blogger Yen said…

    It looks like Underdogs has finally gone under, neither of thise links works anymore.

    Underdogs, I hardly knew ya.


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