
03 February 2006

I have to take a "programming" class

So instead of taking intro to Java to fulfill my computer class requirement, I'm taking "Artificial Intelligence as learned by making bots for Quake 2". And yes, it's fun.

Our first assignment was to be able to walk around an empty room. Not too hard, a good first exercise, though I don't really know Java at all (I was asking people whether I should use regular expressions to parse the output of quakebots, or is there anything else?). If you're interested in making your own quakebots, you should look at the quagents website, and if you're interested in the quakebot I made for homework, I can offer my files.

quake pic


  • At 08 February, 2006 18:04, Blogger Yen said…

    Dude I can see us old and looking back on our lives and really, your will have been a lot more interesting.

    In other news, a bread vender started showing up at the farmers market at work. Needless to say it is DELICIOUS. Overpprced too but hey, it's good bread!


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