
02 April 2006

I have discovered PBEM

I have discovered Play By E-Mail. I wonder what took me so long. I really enjoy the fact that I can play a game that would normally take several hours, and enjoy it in ten minute chunks through out many days interspersed between work, classes, and whatever else I'm doing.

Actually, the only game I've been playing PBEM is Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, and I'm supposing that the reason it took me so long is that so few turn-based games actually support PBEM. Normally I don't even like Alpha Centauri, but with PBEM it's really fun. I don't have any friends who like chess enough to play PBEM, so that's been out. What I'd really like to do is have a boardgamegeek.com-style list of games that are good play by email. Please post any recommendations.


  • At 03 April, 2006 02:51, Blogger Yen said…

    So about posting images on blogger. You are probably better off using blogger's handy image uploader tool. It resizes the image so you don't get all that image bleed everywhere on large images and makes it clickable to a larger image which opens in another window.

    All in all it just displays way better.

    When does trevor start his blog?


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