
14 January 2006

Back from the mythical land of Arcata

In one piece. Had great fun. Got there after the power was restored, and witnessed the destruction of rainstorms, yet missed 90% of said rainstorms. Played lots of Magic: the Gathering. Didn't play nearly as much Twilight Imperium as I thought would happen, but enough Master of Orion 2 to make up for it. Hung out with my grandmother a lot and my uncles less so. Talked about five year plans and the possibility that my mom has turned into a speed freak and where I might live and where others might live and movies my friends are making and movie directors that my sister is dating. Visited my brothers and hiked all over UC Santa Cruz. Had no money the entire time, living entirely on my broken credit card.

I think that might sum it up. Did I miss anything?


  • At 15 January, 2006 03:17, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Didn't play nearly enough Twilight Imperium for my taste, but I am not complaining, I won the first game so what further glory was there to be had, huh?

    Hope your Mommy is OK.


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