
16 May 2006

More on music

So much to say, so few brain cells to hold all the thoughts I had inside. It's been a traumatic past few days. Death in the extended family (a close friend's mother died). Trauma with the loved one. Terrible cold such that I asked my roomates to check my pulse in the middle of the night.

Skipping all the petty details, my brain is thinking about how the web radio link I listed last week (Digitally Imported) wasn't working, so I went off to find a new radio station of similar music. Well I did (RauteMusik.fm), and everytime a DJ comes on, it's all in German, and compared to di.fm, it's a lot of commercials. On the other hand it's fun to not quite hear all the same songs over and over again (hey I like DJ Doboy but let someone else share the internet, okay?).


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