
17 December 2005


In the setup for this blog there is a link to google's Adsense. Normally I ignore bundled advertisements, but I'm looking at it thinking "if it actually gave me any money I might do it...." I seriously doubt it would, since (I'm guessing) the readership of this blog is about four (after a four month hiatus, I think even my four friends have forgotten about me), but I'm tempted nonetheless. Any one care to offer thoughts on this topic?


  • At 12 January, 2006 18:11, Blogger Yen said…

    I don't recommend it. AS you mentioned you probably don't get enough traffic to warrent it, but also it's annoying. I set it up on Yen's bikes to mess around with it but no one reads that anyway.

    Maybe when you start drawing hits (search on blogger for trackers, there are some free ones).


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