
28 May 2005

List of things that are much harder with only one hand

  • pooping
  • washing said hand
  • opening bottles
  • opening child proof bottle the pills came in
  • setting traps
  • going to other countries
I woke up way too early this morning, and on the way back from the bathroom I fell down. I tried to go back to sleep but my hand hurt much too much to do so. I went downstairs and my roommate says gives me a "my your up awfully early this morning!" I show her my hand and she says let's go to the emergency room.

The doctor at the ER was very nice and efficient. It turns out I broke my radius. Now I have a cast on my left arm, from my elbow to not quite my pinkies (important so I can verify that they still wiggle). He did tell me to change my travel plans. I was meant to leave on Monday (today being Saturday). So now I have two weeks off work.

In other news, want a kitten? A mother cat has been raising kittens in the garage, and me and the roommate have been trying to set traps in the garage so as to fix the cats and find them homes before they get to be breeding age. They're very cute. Pix will appear here soon.

25 May 2005


Yes I know I haven't been seen lately, but I blame it on a combination of end-of-semester-itus and work. Today I bring you nothing but a link, which I plan on putting on the right side of the page as soon as I figure out how.

My friend, the Zotmeister, enjoys making puzzles and games. I enjoy solving puzzles and playing games, so I suppose it's a good combination. Without further ado,