
06 August 2005

Write at least one post, every day

My uncle wrote an article about how he writes, every day, whether he wants to or not, and this particular article was about why he was writing, even though he actively didn't want to. (If you ask really nicely, I might be able to find a scanned copy of the article--but don't hold your breath, I may not have it.)

So yesterday, I was playing Steamband, and while the game can be a lot of fun, I had reached the point where I was still playing it, even though I actively did not want to. At some point I stopped and asked myself why the hell was I playing this game, even though I didn't want to? At this point I thought of my uncle's article and figured if I was going to do something I didn't want to do, than I might as well do something that might be, in theory, good for me. I was going to proceed to play Dance Dance Revolution (get some excercise in, right?) but it was later enough to think of the neighbors, so I went to bed instead and lay awake wondering about the situation.

So that leads to the title of this post, and I'm not guaranteeing that I'll write an article every day, just that when I'm doing something unproductive that has lost its fun, I will stop and do something different. His article was about persistance, mine is about not persisting in unproductive matters (but unfortunately, I could go on an incredibly long philosophic garble of what is "productive" or "unproductive", so I'm not sure if this actually means anything).


  • At 26 August, 2005 18:23, Blogger Yen said…

    I am so glad you posted that dude. I have been wondering lately if I am going insane with the game playing when it is totally obvious to me that I don't want to play. I've only recently noticed this and begun actively stopping. But now that I’ve become aware of it I’ve noticed myself in other activities that I didn’t want to be doing, like finish a book or movie I’m not into, etc. I’m not sure where this compulsive need to complete things comes from but I’m so over it now. Food is a big thing for me now. Just stopping when I’m full and not feeling the need to finish a burrito or whatever.


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