
13 March 2005

Link of the day

One of the things that started this expedition were lengthy emails to my friends, that could be made into blog articles. It's not the first time I've done this. So the first few articles here will be reprints of some emails. Here we go:

Might as well pass on my link of the day. I actually have two!

The first is a remake of the old Apple II game, "Robot Oddysey". It was a game set up as an adventure game where you literally have to wire and program robots to solve puzzles. It's fucking hard, and back in the day I never got past level two, and I still haven't made it past level two. It's an ancient game, and even in the remake, it's age shows. It would be awesome if someone made a modern version of this game, but the remake iscool. Bit of a learning curve but it's still worth it.


The other is someone released schematics on how to make laser-based DDR pads. It's works the same way as a burglar alarm (in movies, anyway) where if you break the laser, it counts as a step. The new and improved version uses LEDs because they are smaller, cheaper, work better, but unfortunately look less cool.


With an imperceptably small additional bit of information here:

And news linky of the day: Mexico City requires its cops to read at least one book a month!



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